

Friday, January 6, 2017

Fun Games

 Today in class I tried the Moana coding game. This game was very challenging for me, because I have never done anything like it before. I spent the majority of the class on this one game and made it to level 15 out of 19. In the game, the player's objective is to safely get Moana from place to place without getting hit by rocks or starfish being thrown at her. This website gives young kids the chance to learn how to code in a fun and engaging way.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Favorite Episode


Mosaic and Apex Corporations were asked to create an in store promotion catalog for Levi Jeans.

Mosaic: Wes
Apex: Kevin

"Never lose your Cool"
 You must keep calm unless it is an act to intimidate others in to working harder. Wes, the team manager, let his team fall apart in the episode which resulted in him being fired.

Apex Corporation
While the Mosaic corporation faced the dreaded board room, Apex met with musical legend, Billy Joel for a private concert.

Mosaic Corporation
Wes brought Maria and Andy in to the board room with him.
Wes was fired for poor leadership and Maria was also fired because she "lost her cool."

 This episode was interesting to me because of all the drama throughout the show. Maria fought with her team. Their team was not under control, which made the episode humorous and entertaining. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Current Event - Uber

     The Boston Globe published an article today about Uber launching its public pilot program to test the use of self driving cars.  This test, taking place in the company's hometown of San Francisco, allows everyday people to try out the latest technology. The company put an unknown number of  Volvo XC90s out on their hilly, foggy streets. This will give the company a chance to evaluate any glitches that their new program has.

     The tech-savvy population in San Francisco will be happy to try out this great, new technology, but the city officials are not too pleased. California law states that tests like this, for self driving cars, require a permit. Uber does not have one. This is a legal issue the company will have to deal with, though they do say that their company is exempt because during the trial process each car will have an Uber worker sitting behind the wheel to take over should the technology fail.
Self driving Uber cars will cost the same amount as one with a driver.

Commercials - Pepsi

Pepsi Commercials 1960s VS 2016



Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chapter 29 Study Guide

Marketing Research Process:

  1. Defining the Problem
  2. Obtaining Data
  3. Analyzing the Data
  4. Recommending Solutions to the Problem
  5. Applying the Results

Problem Definition
     Identification of a problem or research issue (ex. declining sales)
Primary Data
Data being collected for the very first time
Secondary Data
     Data that has already been collected for research in another problem
Survey Method
     Information gathered from people through surveys and questionnaires
    Part of the population that is assumed to represent the whole population
Observation Method
     Actions of people are observed and recorded; provides better results than surveys
Point-of-sale Research
     Combines natural observation and interviews to get people to explain their buying behavior
Experimental Method
     Changing one or more marketing variables while keeping the others the same
Data Analysis
     Compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data
     Questions must ask what was intended to be measured
     Research techniques should produce almost exact results in repeated trials
Open-ended questions
     Asking the person taking the questionnaire to write their own response
Forced-choice questions
     Asking the person taking the questionnaire to chose a response from the ones provided

Ways Secondary Data is Collected:
  1. Internet Sources
  2. U.S. Government Sources
  3. Consumer and Business Information Companies
  4. Business and Trade Publications
Pros & Cons of Secondary Data...
  1. Obtained Easily 
  1. Not always available for the issue being studied
  2. Not always accurate 
Ways Primary Data is Obtained:
  1. Survey Method
  2. Observation Method
  3. Experimental Method
Types of Forced-choice Questions:
  1. Yes/No (use when asking about one issue)
  2. Multiple Choice (Give the person more than one option)
  3. Rating Scale Questions (ex. Very satisfied... very unsatisfied)
  4. Level of Agreement Questions (Assesses attitudes or opinions)
Other important notes....
* When writing a survey be sure to avoid any bias, and pretest to check for any errors
* Maintain an appealing visual appearance when forming a questionnaire
* Give a deadline for completion, and an explanation of the survey's purpose

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Survey Results

My survey was about homecoming at RMHS. We currently do not have any homecoming activities at our school, so I conducted my survey in hopes of finding out how much interest other students have in such an event. Thirteen students (7 seniors, 5 juniors & 1 sophomore) completed my survey, the majority of them being female.

From the results I received, I am able to conclude that the majority of students would enjoy having a homecoming week at our school. This would include a football game, dance and spirit week. Although our school already has a fun spirit week and pep rally before the Thanksgiving football game, the students who took my survey would still like to have similar homecoming activities in addition to those that happen in November.